ABOUT ME

 Most of these pictures were painted many years ago with the exception of the laurel and hardy one that is quite recent. Always drawing things when young, I have always been able to visualise the image I was trying to achieve although nowadays I am a lot looser in technique allowing more accidents to happen in the process. The first painting to make an impression on me was a seascape of a wave with some coastline in the distance and lots of foam, spray and movement. It was hung in a club I was working in at the time and had a grey cloudy sky and I could almost taste the salty spray whilst looking at it. I bought some oil paints in the art shop on the way home and had a go on some hardboard sheet and soon realised I had a lot to learn. 

     I studied some books on technique from the library but learnt just as much from playing around with the paints and had no real direction to focus on until the news on TV mentioned an exhibition at the Tate gallery of work by Salvador Dali. I immediately knew I had to see this so made the trip to London and was amazed at such wonderful images, painted in classic old master quality. I love realistic looking paintings but also surrealist ones done from the imagination. Most of the paintings in this blog are quite Dali-esque with seemingly endless open landscapes with unlikely objects scattered around. I like to create the impression of space and calm, a moment or two that could only exist in the imagination.

      These pictures have been stored for many years as we just do not have the space to display and hang them all so hopefully now with this virtual gallery others may see them and hopefully enjoy. Art has come a long way since the first surrealists and there is much to see these days but I hope you find some calm or intrigue whilst looking at them as I do.  Thank you.....